Chandigarh is the capital city of Punjab. Chandigarh Junction Railway Station is the nearest Railway station and Chandigarh International Airport is the nearest airport of Chandigarh city. Different types of transportation by trains or roads from Chandigarh and Kufri are available. The traveler can pick any type of transport from Chandigarh to Kufri depending on the most efficient, cost-effective or fastest.
Chandigarh to Kufri All Routes (By train or road)
- Chandigarh > Shimla > Kufri (135 km approx.): Pick a train or bus from Chandigarh to Kalka. Then, you can either take a train to Shimla or Bus to Shimla. The distance is 120 km. Then take a cab or bus to reach Kufri. It’s about 15 km.
- Chandigarh > Shoghi > Kufri (135 km approx.): Pick a bus from Chandigarh to Shoghi. The distance is 105 km. Then take a cab or bus to reach Kufri. It’s about 30 km.
- Chandigarh > Kandaghat > Kufri (138 km approx.): Pick a bus from Chandigarh to Kandaghat. The distance is 90 km. Then take a cab or bus to reach Kufri. It’s about 48 km.
- Chandigarh > Solan > Kufri (135 km approx.): Pick a bus from Chandigarh to Solan. The distance is 70 km. Then take a cab or bus to reach Kufri via Shimla. It’s about 65 km.
The routes will be a little bit cheaper but it will take time. The easiest way to reach Kufri is to hire a cab directly from Chandigarh. It will be a little bit costly but will save your time. “Bargaining” for the fare is a must to hire cabs. Rental car services are also available. Both types of cabs like SEDAN and SUV you will get easily in Chandigarh. SEDAN will be the most economical cab. One thing you must need to remember- The toll charges, permit charges, parking fees, entry fees or any other govt. levied taxes are excluded from the cab payment. Please discuss everything with the driver before hiring. Distance between Chandigarh and Kufri is about 132 km (via cabs) and will take about 3.5 hours.
Wishing you a happy and safe journey. If you have any questions or queries feel free to comment below or contact us.
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